Autonomous Car

Innovation by Design Thinking
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This project was developed in conjunction with the subject TMM4220 at NTNU. The project’s theme is to redesign "The Autonomous Driving Experience", using the Design Thinking method. We can divide the project into 5 main phases: Empathizing, Define, Ideation, Prototyping and Testing. More about these phases, and our work during these phases, can be read on our web pages. We hope you will find this interesting.


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The first stage of the design-thinking process is Empathizing. By interviewing and talking to a broad spectrum of people about the subject of autonomous driving, we have gained a lot of useful insight and new perspectives. We have talked to car dealerships, cab drivers, professors and random bypassers. We have also observed intersections and drove people around simulating autonomous driving.

empathizing section


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The POV includes an imaginary person we came up with, his needs and insights. The ideation phase, which follows, contains the most creative part of the project. This is when we tried to come up with all kinds of crazy ideas for solutions to our POVs needs. We compared and improved a lot upon each others ideas during the process.

Ideation section


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Prototyping is used for experimentation. It is a quick way to try out ideas, and see how these work in the environment. The ideas are aquired through the empathy phase and ideation phase. Our prototypes were based on our ideas on sound, touch, light and screen.

Prototyping section